1. Fanta sin gas.
The product design enables the company to use every available surface to advertise on, typography is a simple way in which to utilise this space.
It may not be much, but you would see it every time you go to take a sip of the beverage. Could it possibly play on someones subconscious?
2. Coca-cola.
This is possibly the most well recognised logo that has not only dominated its product industry but has taken over the world of advertising and marketing.
Due to the craftsmanship and design that has gone into the creation of the Coca-Cola logo this simple white typeface against a red background has a powerful way of grasping our attention.
Because the marketing campaign is so huge, the image in litterly branded into our memories and it becomes instantly recognisable.
However, if you were asked to draw the logo, I predict that most people will struggle to accurately mimic the famous script.
This is why I believe that the coca-cola logo would be classed as "invisible typography" because people associate with the contrast of colours rather that the type.
3. Vehicle numberplate.
It was only when I was purposely looking for invisible type that I noticed the unique piece of typography that defines each and every vehicle.
Much like all typography, although we see it every day, we never take notice of what combination of numbers and letters on the plate but we know it's there.
We usually remember our own personal registration numbers, a strangers number is regarded as "useless" information by the brain unless for some reason you need to acquire someones else's i.e. You were involved in and accident.
4. Graffiti.
However, I consider it to be an elaborate form of typography that is predominately used by the youth population to express their identity and creativeness.
At first, I assumed that the top word read "OREO" but upon closer inspection you can start to depict other possibilities within the chaotic design.
What can you see?